KiTS has a professional team of graphic artists, writers and editors, who oversee quality control. “You’ve got your CRM (customer relationship management) account, we’ve loaded all of your data in there and it’s connected to the marketing that we put out.” Like you’d expect with a CRM, you can always update, add, or delete contact info so your list is always up to date. That means your marketing is always current.
The size of your contact list will determine what the overall cost will look like. He has some clients who have between 30 and 40 people on their list – while others have more than 4,000, though the average is between 200 and 700.
“If you’re a client, we really want to take the best possible care of you,” he said. “That is something we get all the time from clients, just how awesome the team is. You’re not getting a robotic message that says press one for this, three for that. There’s somebody picking up the phone ready to help you right there.”
Having an automated marketing system running in the background, nurturing existing relationships, lets brokers focus on hunting for new business. But he is quick to point out that the messaging can’t be all marketing, all the time. There has to be the personal touch, like birthday phone calls, upcoming renewal dates, and other life events, which keep you “front and centre” in the minds of your clients, creating a rapport of trust. And every day, the KiTS CRM even helps you track who to call and reminds you when.
The company is based in Toronto and Greenspan points out that “the real estate and mortgage industries are our sandbox. We pride ourselves on the content we put out there in terms of the knowledge around interest rates, housing affordability, and the economic issues that are facing Canadian homeowners.”