Houses for sale in Ottawa

Stacked townhomes, garden apartments, and quadruplexes are highlighted as potential solutions that provide more affordable alternatives. By emphasizing the availability of these housing options alongside high-rise apartments, the housing needs of the diverse population in the GGH can be better addressed.


Disaggregating municipal housing targets


One of the notable shortcomings of provincial initiatives is the failure to disaggregate municipal housing targets by unit type. The study emphasizes that understanding the demand for different types of housing, including ground-related options, allows municipalities to allocate their resources more effectively and cater to the specific needs of their communities. By encouraging a range of housing options, potential homebuyers and renters are afforded more choice and flexibility.


Monitoring and maintaining an ample supply of shovel-ready land


To ensure a competitive land marketplace that allows for choice and flexibility, maintaining an ample supply of shovel-ready land is paramount. The study recommends that municipalities regularly monitor their inventories of shovel-ready land to comply with the PPS policy. 


Additionally, the provincial government should prioritize the availability of affordable options that serve as substitutes for ground-related housing. Promoting the development of stacked townhomes, garden apartments, and quadruplexes can contribute to a more diverse housing market and help alleviate affordability concerns.


Addressing the housing crisis


The report acknowledges the efforts made by the Province to increase the supply of new housing through initiatives aimed at simplifying the planning system and encouraging more land availability. These initiatives include establishing ambitious housing targets, encouraging intensification around transit stations, promoting gentle densification in existing communities, and simplifying the land use planning process. However, the report emphasizes the need for disaggregated targets by unit type and regular monitoring of shovel-ready land inventories by municipalities.


Read the full report

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