As a REALTOR®, I know how challenging the profession can be. When the market is in flux, the difference between a great month and a bad month can be razor-thin.
Tough times can get even harder with unexpected issues, like a mental or physical health emergency. In speaking with fellow REALTORS®, I have heard so many stories of Members who wished they had a safety net to support them through challenging times.
At OREA, we want to ensure we always have our Members’ backs. That’s why we put together the REALTOR® Wellness Task Force to examine the viability and scope of a province-wide insurance and benefits program for all OREA Members. This Task Force, co-chaired by OREA Past-President Stacey Evoy and Toronto Regional Real Estate Board Past-President Kevin Crigger, is looking at the feasibility of an Ontario REALTOR® Wellness Program (ORWP). This group represents REALTOR® leaders from big cities and small towns across the province, dedicating their time improving the lives of our Members.
If approved, the ORWP would provide REALTORS® with insurance coverage to meet their regular health needs and extra assistance during trying times.
This idea has been inspired by the exceptional efforts made by Member Boards throughout the province. We aspire to build upon their achievements and broaden these types of programs province-wide for all 96,000 Members and 34 real estate boards in Ontario.
As we move along in this process, we want to make sure all Ontario REALTORS® have the opportunity to provide feedback on the potential program and share what benefits they’d like to see included. Click here to fill out a short, 10-question survey to provide your feedback. The information collected from the survey will help the Task Force determine the proposed makeup of the program.
You can find additional information about the program on our ORWP website.
We look forward to hearing from you on what could be the first benefits program of its kind for REALTORS® in Ontario.
Active in the real estate profession for 16 years, Ms. Artenosi is a Broker of Record/Owner with Coldwell Banker The Real Estate Centre with 8 offices serving Toronto, York Region, Simcoe County and Muskoka. She is a member of the Barrie & District Association of REALTORS® (BDAR), where she served as President in 2019. At BDAR, she also served as a member of various committees, including MLS & Technology, Governance, Finance, and Membership Task Force. At OREA, Ms. Artenosi previously served as a Director-at-Large, Chair of the Standard Forms Committee and as a member of the Marketing and Communications Committee. She is OREA’s 2023 president.